July 13th Show

Show files are up on the 2019 Podcast Page!


July 6th 2019 Show

Show files are up on the 2019 Podcast Page!

Eric Swallwell’s 65 point gun control plan includes:

Democratic Presidential candidate Eric Swalwell on Tuesday announced his sweeping new firearm regulation platform to the acclaim of national gun control advocates.

Swalwell, a former prosecutor who has represented the San Francisco area in Congress since 2013, is one of more than two dozen officially announced candidates scrapping for the Democratic nomination to the White House next year. This week, in front of the headquarters of the National Rifle Association in Virginia, he debuted his “National Framework to End Gun Violence” to a small crowd.

“I will fight like hell to give people a reason to live, foster a culture of hope in every neighborhood, regulate firearms and ammunition to protect communities and police officers, and ban semiautomatic assault weapons,” said Swalwell, who last year wrote an op-ed for USA Today advocating a return to the federal assault weapons ban followed up by strong enforcement actions to go after those not in compliance.

Would-be President Swalwell’s new 3,100-word plan is wide in scope, proposing not only a “ban-and-buy-back” on many types of semi-automatic firearms but also adding layers of additional red tape to gun and ammunition manufacturers and retailers while requiring lawful gun owners to be licensed, registered with the government, and seek additional training under threat of prosecution.

Among the plan’s 65-points are:

  • Outlawing civilian possession of “military-style semiautomatic assault weapons” with an exception for guns maintained by shooting ranges and hunting clubs. This would include a “buy back” followed by criminal prosecution for anyone found in violation of the prohibition.
  • Suppressors, magazines capable of holding more than 10 cartridges, and bump stocks would be totally banned for civilian ownership, with a government buy back similar to that on semi-auto firearms put into effect.
  • Add a 48-hour waiting period to gun purchases.
  • Require gun owners to report a lost or stolen gun within 24-hours.
  • Establish national gun storage standards that include “smart tech” coupled with a mandate for owners to comply with such requirements.
  • Expanding mandatory gun surrenders to include dating partners and family members subject to protective orders, even prior to their hearings.
  • Prohibit states from arming teachers.
  • Implement background checks for all firearm and ammunition purchases and set a buying limit of 200 rounds of ammo per 30-day period per person. This would be coupled with a maximum storage allowance of just 200 rounds per caliber at a person’s home to “prohibit individuals from hoarding ammunition.”
  • Ban civilian sales of M855 “Greentip” ammunition or any hollow-nosed bullet.
  • Reinstate a planned executive action from President Obama to strip gun rights from those receiving some types of Social Security checks. That plan was canceled by Congressional action signed by President Trump in 2017 with the support of not only Second Amendment groups but also civil liberties advocates.
  • Increase the number of databases used to screen potential gun buyers during a National Instant Criminal Background Check System Brady check.
  • Create a federal licensing program for gun owners to include mandatory training and both a written test and practical exam.
  • Require gun owners to take out liability insurance before they could legally possess a firearm.
  • Create a national firearm registry linked to individual firearms and require that all transfers be mandatorily registered and regularly updated.
  • Eliminate small federally licensed firearms dealers who do not have a dedicated brick and mortar commercial storefront.
  • Ration individual handgun purchases to no more than one per 30-day period.
  • Prohibit the online sale of guns or ammunition, even by licensed dealers.
  • Expand the powers and mandate of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to consolidate and centralize records relating to the acquisition of guns while allowing these regulators to increase the frequency of unscheduled audits of FFLs.
  • Veto any appropriations language that could restrict public health agencies from researching gun violence, such as the Dickey Amendment, and in turn fund such research with tax-payer dollars.
  • Repealing the Protection for Lawful Commerce in Guns Act, which is a federal law the insulates gun manufacturers from frivolous lawsuits, and charge federal agencies to implement safety standards “to eliminate junk guns, and to examine the feasibility of smart gun technology.”
  • Regulate firearm kits such as 80 percent lowers the same way firearms are regulated.
  • Mandate “evidence-based ballistics identification techniques, such as microstamping,” for all rifles and handguns made in the country. California is the only state that currently requires microstamping, and only for new models of semi-automatic pistols intended for commercial sale. Currently, there are no handguns in production that meet that mandate, one the firearms industry says relies on technology that is immature.

Everytown applauded Swalwell’s proposal, with John Feinblatt, the Bloomberg-supported group saying, “Rep. Swalwell’s new gun safety platform is the latest evidence that preventing gun violence will be a key issue in the 2020 campaign.”

As for the NRA, they countered the broadside from the California Democrat on social media by posting images of his rally, saying, “Look! All of presidential candidate Swalwell’s supporters came out to our headquarters today. No wonder he is polling at 0%”


July TriggerTalk Article: The Wrong Combination

I have often mentioned finding the right combination of gun and bullet for the job you are intending to do whether that is accuracy, velocity, or terminal ballistics.

It can also include performance such as expansion when hunting or in test media, and for self defense it must never fail to function, feed or extract from the gun.We may not be so picky in our everyday plinking ammo for our .22’s and that would be a mistake.

After all: a .22 is a .22, right? Just buy what is on sale and you will be happy as long as it goes Bang!  Hold your horses, let me tell you about what I recently experienced during our Women On Target Event.

We used Ruger SR22P training pistols although a few of us brought our Ruger Mark II’s and Mark IV’s as back-up guns.The ammo was Remington Thunderbolts, a high velocity (1255 feet per second) round nose soft lead lubricated bullet that happened to be on sale.

We were rewarded with good reliability however a problem emerged. After as few as 50 rounds down range we began to experience a “Keyholing” in the targets, we could clearly see that the bullet was passing through the paper sideways not straight on. It is called Keyholing because the hole left looks like the old fashioned lock key holes in vintage doors that use a skeleton type key.


At our break I cleaned the guns and found an unusual amount of lead fouling in the barrels. We finish the day with similar results on all the SR22P guns, but we did not experience any key holing on the Ruger Mark II’s and IV’s

Upon closer examination while spending over 4 hours trying to get the bores clean on those  7 guns I noticed that there was big difference between the depth of the “rifling” or spiral in the barrels of the SR22Ps and the other guns.

Most of you are think of rifling as a pattern of groves and lands in your barrel that twist the bullet to give it a spiral for accuracy. You are current an on larger calibers the depth of the grooves can be quite deep. On this new SR22Ps however it was very very shallow and these soft lead bullets were smearing the lead on the surface cause the build up to stop the rotation and actually grab and turn the bullet causing it to hit the target sideways. The build up was so great that I could not get a cleaning rod down the barrel. The older model Rugers did not experience this buildup and remained accurate and precise throughout the day.

This was clearly a case where the guns did not like the ammo we had selected, and may be a consideration when you purchase ammo as well!

TriggerTalk Articles

June 29th Show

Show files are up on the 2019 Podcast Page!


June 22nd 2019 Show

Show files are up on the 2019 Podcast page!


June 15th 2019 Show

Show Files are up on the 2019 Podcast Page!


For the past 14 months I have been broadcasting and posting a Two Hour TriggerTalk Radio Show. In April of 2018 our Station Co-Owner Linda Hughes passed away and I was was asked if I would like to expand TriggerTalk Radio into a two hour show. At the Station we had been filling in for Linda as she battled Cancer and I was honored to be able to fill in for her on her great show “The American Dream”. 

This week WAAM has made a programming change in the 12:00 noon time slot. WAAM is a commercial radio station and advertising is the life blood that allows us to bring all our great programming to you.

Beginning today (June 15th 2019) WAAM will be broadcasting a Wealth Management Program  from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.. “Elevate Your Wealth Radio” is a local (Brighton MI) financial advisory service (Pinnacle Wealth Management).

As a recent retiree I can appreciate the benefits that a company such as Pinnacle offers and I hope you will benefit from the information discussed during this show.

It has been my privilege to enjoy Saturday Mornings with you since 2012, The extra hour this past year+ has been a good time and I plan to continue to share the same level of information with you in the future. ( I need to learn to talk faster).

I enjoy the relationship we have shared and look forward to a continued friendship in the future!

Dick Cupka  


June 8th 2019 Show:

Show files are up on the Podcast Page!

This show was pre-recorded because I was helping to teach 50+ Ladies to shoot pistol on Saturday. I had a great time and we can talk about it this coming week!


June 1st 2019 Show

Show files are up on the 2019 Podcast Page!



May 25th 2019 Show

Show files are up on the 2019 Podcast Page!


May 18th 2019 Show

Show files are up on the 2019 Podcast Page
