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Category Archives: TriggerTalk Articles
June 2017 Article: How long since you shot that (insert your gun here)?
Last night I was at a Safety Committee meeting of our gun club where the Chairperson of the various ranges discuss any incidents that took place, damage, required [..]
February 2017 TriggerTalk Article – Rust Never Sleeps
I have mentioned before “Guns only have two enemies: Rust and Politicians”. I am happy to say we have a good start on the Politician part of that [..]
November TriggerTalk Article – Sometimes New is Better!
Whenever teaching a CPL class one of the first things I do is check out what people are shooting. Which gun people brought to class is very informative [..]
April TriggerTalk Article – A Great Responsibility
I am going to take a break from Politics this month. With gun control rhetoric in the news and a new anti-gun Supreme Court nominee by the current [..]
December TriggerTalk Article “The Gun is NOT the Problem”
On November 13th 2015 I was with my buddy Don as we were preparing for “Opening Day” of Firearms season. Rifles were sighted in and cleaned, Blinds prepared, [..]
August TriggerTalk Article – Ammo Selection: Everyday Plinking and Special Purpose
I have counseled people for years on ammunition selection, although it typically has more to do with Self-Defense and Hunting ammunition than with everyday range ammo. To refresh [..]
June TriggerTalk Article: Dreams of Another Day
Each week I receive e-mails and calls from people responding to my written columns in ”The Courant” or my TriggerTalk radio show on WAAM. Over the past four [..]
April TriggerTalk Article: Gun Finishes
Your gun’s finish has two main purposes: protect the gun and look nice. Today’s guns may be manufactured of different materials than vintage guns, many of which are [..]
March TriggerTalk Article: Your “First”
Life is full of “Firsts”: first step, first date, and first love…we all share these events. The list goes on and on, and may include your first beer, [..]