August 2013 – TriggerTalk Article

You can’t take it with you!

Firearm owners come in all ages and experience levels, I am targeting this article at those of you that are very experienced and may own many firearms. I am part of the “You can never have too many guns” crowd. Over the years there have been so many improvements and innovations in firearms,that I often say  “Ohh, I need to get one of those” and my collection grows.

I have always been a sucker for a good .22 rifle and have picked up quite few over the years. Some are collectible and those I will keep, but several are just basic bolt action or semi-auto plinkers. The single shot bolt action rifle for years has been an entry level gun and can often be found at garage, estate  and farm sales for very low prices and I must admit a few have found their way into my safe.

The Shooting Sports is one of the few activities that allows you participate from a very young age of 5 or 6 up to the age of 70, 80 and beyond.  The result is that by the time you are a “senior shooter”, your safe may contain multiples of the same type of gun.

I have often written about the need to pass our love of the Shooting Sports on to the next generation. I personally feel the need to “prime the pump” for the next generation and in fact that is the reason I became an instructor.  I have always been the “ Gun Uncle” in our family. I was also the “Airplane”, “Model Rocket”, “Camera” and “Fireworks” Uncle but those are stories for a different day.

Family gatherings often resulted in shooting sessions and long discussions on firearms. As they got older my nieces and nephews began to get involved in shooting on their own and it was then I decided to help them on their way.

My 12 year old niece in Indiana began shooting on her 4H rifle team, but did not have a suitable rifle. I felt she could benefit from her own rifle and talked to her parents asking if  they felt she was mature enough for the responsibility under their supervision. Now a 60 year old Winchester 67A is helping her hone her skills and I get to see her enjoy it and grow in her new sport.

Ever since he was little, my nephew Sean loved to shoot and as soon as he got his driver’s license, would often call to see if he could come out to shoot. He graduated from high shool last year and with permission from his parents, a Savage 64 semi-auto .22 rifle that I picked up is now his pride and joy.  His parents support was important because when he is away at college it is stored safely at their house. Again the enjoyment I get from seeing him use it is far more than I felt when it was just sitting in my safe for years.

Why am I telling you these stories? Because I want you to consider how you can help get the next generation of shooters started down the same path we have taken. Previously my planning for the future was basically a list of all my firearms, serial #’s, images, etc… and who they will go to when I am no longer around. I recently realized that it would be much more fun to move some of these entry levels guns to young people that would appreciate them now. I also get to show them how to shoot, and teach them proper gun safety.

I am very much enjoying this new strategy and I like to think my guns are happier too!

TriggerTalk Articles

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