February 23rd 2013 Show

On Saturday’s show we talked about the continuing negative press coverage and constant demonization of gun owners.

Comcast is called out for refusing to air commercials related to firearm equipment manufacturers while continuing to air violent shows that glorify illegal and violent gun usage.

Anti gun messages in our educational system, when a Texas teacher requests students write an essay about what they did on the weekend and then refuses to grade two papers that mention guns. He gives the students a ZERO or the option to redo the paper with an acceptable topic.

Tom Munson – Vice President of Sales and Market for Trijicon – located in Wixom Michigan join us for two segments and talked about the many products offered to both the military and civil markets. We covered the design and development of the Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight (ACOG), the Accupoint hunting scopes and Trijicon’s new Bow sites all using illuminated reticles to aid the shooter.  Tom also talked about new technology currently developed for the military but soon to be available for the consumer that will help the hunter by calculating a sighting solution internally in the scope for distance and wind inputs.

Caller Robert from Ypsilant talked about the history of marksmanship in the military, and the different types of firearms used by the early military and citizen militia’s.

We covered a few more guns on our “Bucket list”



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