October TriggerTalk Article: Our Own “Inconvenient Truth”

Over the past few weeks there have been several developments that are encouraging to those of us that enjoy gun ownership, the shooting sports and self-defense. Two studies were released by very well respected institutions or publications that debunk arguments the anti-gun crowd has been using against us law abiding gun owners.

I didn’t need a fancy study to know these facts,  I only needed to observe that there has been an incredible number of new gun purchases (tens of millions)  and new shooters in the country over the past few years and yet the number of violent and gun crimes continues to fall.

If you are surprised by this, it is because you didn’t hear about these studies from your local or mainstream news sources. True firearms facts are often something they choose to ignore. Fortunately you read listen to and read TriggerTalk Radio so the truth will prevail.

Jane M. Orient, M.D. published an article in the  Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons in which she reveals politicized attempts to address gun violence as a health problem rather than a crime problem.

She goes on to show the real motives behind these “medical studies” and the true nature of their goals. “Organized medicine’s decades-long campaign to have firearm-related fatalities considered as a public health rather than a criminal justice issue is not evidence based. Its reliance on weak, even tainted evidence and spurious reasoning, and its attempts to suppress or discredit contrary evidence, is consistent with a political agenda of incremental civilian disarmament.”

Coincidently, did you know the “Affordable Health Care Act” requires Physicians to ask you about firearm ownership in your home, and how you store them?  Now that is just the type of personal information we want to have on a government run database!

Don B. Kates and Gary Mauser have published a study in Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy  showing there is no data indicating a greater number of guns leads to increases in crime, despite what the Gun Control crowd tells you.

I do not have room to include the entire text of these studies here, but if you email me I will send them to you or you can download them off my website: www.triggertalkradio.com .

Rounding out the month was the recall election in Colorado where two Anti-Gun Senators that pushed for severe gun control laws despite the wishes of their constituents were recalled from office. They were replaced by new ones from a different party that is traditionally friendlier to gun ownership and firearms issues.

They did not leave quietly however, vowing “That we (pro Second Amendment) may have won the battle, but they will win the war” These were the exact words from the Democratic Senate President, who previously told his fellow Senators to not answer the phone or e-mails during the passage of the anti-gun bills to prevent their input from being heard.

Locally some of our Cities and Counties seem to be following the course set by the former Colorado (now unemployed) Senators.  Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County among others are voting on resolutions to restrict gun rights. Pushing for limitations on magazine capacities, strengthened gun free zones and back ground checks for every transfer including giving a gun to a family member or selling it to a friend.

These are the same measures Mayor Bloomberg’s “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” group have been pushing at the state and local levels all over the country.  In Colorado they promised to protect the anti-gun politicians in their next elections and any recall efforts with obvious poor results.

It is our job to let our State and Local politicians know that we expect them to take care of the roads, taxes and other local issues. Leave the Constitution and our 2nd Amendment rights alone or we will make sure they are similarly unemployed!

TriggerTalk Articles

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