August 31st Show

Show Files are up on the Podcast Page!

In the first segment we talked about the new Harvard study on gun violence that was published this past week. You likely wont hear about this from the mainstream media because it does not support the position of those pushing for more and stronger Gun Control.

The fact that some countries have very few firearms has not reduced the rate of violent crimes. In fact, according to the study, “Homicide results suggest that where guns are scarce other weapons are substituted in killings.”

Researchers Don B. Kates and Gary Mauser reviewed the gun laws in several European countries to see if banning firearms would decrease murders and suicides. They found that countries with higher firearm ownership had lower murder rates.

The fact that some countries have very few firearms has not reduced the rate of violent crimes. In fact, according to the study, “Homicide results suggest that where guns are scarce other weapons are substituted in killings.”

Additionally, the study looked at violence compared to firearm ownership and found there is “a negative correlation.”

“(Where) firearms are most dense violent crime rates are lowest, and where guns are least dense violent crime rates are highest.”

In the second segment John Howell joined us talk about a great fundraiser to support the Boys Scouts of America.  The “Autumn Adventure” is a day ovf hunting and shooting for a good cause.  John is looking for corporate sponsors  and this could be opportunity  for you take your clients  to a sporting event they actually participate in while supporting the Boy Scouts.  The brochure is attached below:


In the third segment Maggie Dolezal was my guest and she is the Founding leader and Coach of the Dundee High School Trap Club. Maggie described  the fun and interest they have  had with the club experience phenomenal growth. The club is now entering it’s fourth year and has been competing in regional competitions.

The Club has been aided by Beretta Firearms through  their support for Exhibition Shooter Travis Mears to hold shooting clinics and exhibitions  in support of the youthful shooters.

Travis Mears Beretta Exhibition Shooter

One challenge the club faces is there are few other High Schools nearby fielding a team so it is difficult to set up meets.

I sent out a challenge to listeners to initiate discussions with High Schools in their area to potentially start Trap clubs or Teams at their local High School.

At the end of September there is a Shotguns Coaches Class being offered in Lenox, MI by the NRA for those of you interested in becoming a coach.

NRA Coaches Class – September 28-29 2013

If you would like to learn more about hoe to set up a Club at your High School, Please contact Maggie by email at:

Other Show Topics included  the ineffectiveness of the Starbuck’s boycott  by “Mom’s Demanding Action” and the absurdity of the new Obama Gun Control Executive order’s and how banning the importation of  Antique Firearms is in no way related to reducing gun violence by thugs and street criminals.


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