TriggerTalk February Article – The Slippery Slope

When mocked and attacked by anti-gun groups for rejecting “Common Sense” gun control, Second Amendment advocates often speak of the “slippery slope”. The scenario of ever increasing restrictions by anti-gun groups has been evident throughout history.

When proposing new gun control laws they inevitably state “We know this action would not have prevented (choose a recent shooting incident), but it is a good first step” They ALWAYS imply that further regulation will be necessary at a future time.

The rush to “Do Something” and implement some sort of restrictive legislation makes them feel good, shows their compassion for the victims, and most importantly gets them in front of the cameras and microphones.

How can simple universal background checks /gun registration and common sense gun control lead to a Slippery Slope, They ask?  Claiming they won’t go after our hunting or sporting guns, all they want is a ban on evil Assault Weapons, and magazine restrictions”.

Rebuttals to gun registration by gun owners citing events that took place in 1930’s Europe, the Soviet Union and 70’s Cambodia are laughed off as ancient history. This is 2014, that can’t happen here!  This is just a list of law abiding gun owners and the guns they own, that’s all.

Their true intentions become evident as various states and municipalities enact such laws. One of the most egregious actions is currently taking place in New York City. In November gun owners began receiving letters requiring them to turn-in, destroy, or permanently modify their rifles or shotguns because they have “an ammunition feeding device capable of holding more than 5 rounds”. 

The guns listed in this actual letter (below) are .22 rimfire  entry level rifles used by generations of law abiding citizens for lawful purposes.  Two of the three are bolt action trainers just like the ones on which millions of new shooters learned firearms safety and marksmanship. These are not the “Assault Weapons” we have been led to believe they want to purge from society.  Ask yourself: what is the true purpose behind this confiscation?

 NYPD Letter


After 17 years Canada recently scrapped its long gun registration in April of 2012. It proved to be very expensive, inaccurate, and despite the intended purpose of increased safety never provided any useful information to law enforcement. It was however used to require owners of certain previously approved guns to turn them in when the current politicians wanted to exercise their power.

Beginning January 2014, Connecticut banned the sale of Modern Sporting Rifles, certain semi-auto pistols/shotguns and magazines with a capacity over 10 rounds. Current owners of affected firearms and magazines must register them or face fines, Class D felony charges and one year in jail.


Law abiding CT gun owners line up to register their firearms and magazines.  

 Watch out for that Slippery Slope, there is no telling what the state will do with that information!


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